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Our Biggest Holiday Sale Ever! Up to 40% Off Everything Upgrade to Priority Overnight shipping for expected Christmas delivery
Mid-Century Engagement Rings
Show-stopping center stones of every shape and size star in simple settings or burst from constellations of surrounding diamonds in our collection of Mid-Century engagement rings. These might just be the most cheerful pieces in our entire engagement ring collection.
If diamonds truly are your best friend, you’ll have no trouble making plenty of lasting relationships with bold sparklers from the fabulous Fifties! Mid-Century engagement rings bring all the optimism of the post-war era right to your ring finger, usually in the form of show-stopping center stones. Classic wedding sets were also popular, with a dash of shine added to the perfectly matched band as well. And while strictly Mid-Century Modern engagement rings are unusual, the movement’s best design elements make their way into many striking solitaires and sleek three-stone rings from this time.