This exclusive storehouse of jewelry history is brought to you by Lang Antiques.
Research, explore, and expand your knowledge with regard to the fabulous world of jewelry. This exclusive storehouse of jewelry history is brought to you by Lang Antiques.
Jewelry Identification
History of Jewelry
The mysteries contained in the jewels created throughout history can be unraveled here. Who, what, when, where, and how are all decoded through the scrutiny of jewelry history.
What was happening in the world to inspire the creation of the jewels we love? Explore the inventions, events, discoveries, and technological innovations that joined forces to inspire jewelry design.

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Chain, chain, chain...
Aretha Franklin, the Queen of Soul, sang passionately about her conflicted participation in a “Chain…
Victorian Jewelry - Making it Personal
Snakes, hearts, hair bows (literally!), lockets, and critters of all sorts. If you’re ready to…